- Recently-sown-seeds
- Seeds-ready-for-potting-on
- Rengarenga-root-trainers
- libertia-grandiflora-seedli
- giving-our-seeds-the-best-c
- black-mondo-grasses
- Phormium-Emerald-Gem-Seedli
- mixed-lines
- pittosporum-crassifolium-ro
Our nursery is strictly private and is not open to the public. Its sole purpose is to provide plants for the jobs that we design and build.
It is really important to use locally grown seedlings and cuttings from local sources. This makes them as hardy as possible for Marlborough’s tough climate.
The plants spend the first 6 months of their fragile lives in the shade houses. Under Dan’s experienced leadership the new plants quickly transform into thriving specimens ready for hardening off outside in the inner holding bay for next 6 months prior to sale.
Larger specimens are kept in the outer holding bay to spend some quality time growing into large grade plants ready for those of you who want an instant garden.
We grow just about everything and anything in small number but we specialise in the most popular native plants, hedging and ground covers that require many plants of the same species and hopefully the same stock so that they look the same.