- Native Creek 16
- Bhudevi10
- Native Creek 1
- Native Creek 2
- Native Creek 3
- Native Creek 4
- Native Creek 5
- Native Creek 6
- Native Creek 7
- Native Creek 8
- Native Creek 9
- Native Creek 10
- Native Creak 11
- Native Creek 12
- Native Creek 13
- Native Creek 14
- Native Creek 15
- Native Creek 17
- Native Creek 18
- Bhudevi09
- Bhudevi08
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- Bhudevi01
We started with a splinter of gardens along a narrow spring fed ditch bordered by another Sauvignon Blanc vineyard. A year or so later the stunning results speak for themselves! The land was completely flat to start with. Every plant except the 2 mature Plane trees and the 4 mature weeping willows was removed, those we wanted to were saved. The diggers came in and widened the creek, made the pools and berms, mound and pit. The rest is history and here are the results. Check out this link to New Zealand Gardner where you can read more…